Decatur County ensures compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; 49 CFR, part 21; related statutes and regulations to the end that no person shall be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Transportation on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.
El condado de Decatur asegura el cumplimiento del Título VI del Acto de Derechos Civiles de 1964; 49 CFR, Parte 21, relacionados estatutos y normas para asegurar que ninguna persona sea excluida o discriminada, o que se le nieguen los beneficios de cualquier programa o actividad la cual reciba ayuda financiera federal del Departamento de Transporte de los Estados Unidos sin importar su raza, color, o origen nacional.
Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against can file a complaint with the appropriate agency:
Cualquier persona que crea que ha sido discriminada puede presentar una queja ante la agencia correspondiente:
Decatur County Title VI Coordinator
Andrew Sparks
P O Box 488 Decaturville, TN 38329
Decatur County Title VI Poster
Decatur County Title VI Policy and Procedures
Our five Convenience Centers are trash and recycling drop off stations open to all Decatur County residential customers. Decatur County does not charge residents to use these facilities.
Fairgrounds Convenience Center
275 Fairgrounds Rd.
Parsons, TN 38363
We are open 7 days a week except holidays.
Monday through Saturday — 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday – 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The following Convenience Centers are open:
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday – 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jeanette Convenience Center
170 Brodies Landing Rd.
Parsons, TN 38363
Wylie Gardner Convenience Center
105 Wylie Garden Cemetery Lane
Bath Springs, TN 38311
Mt Lebanon Convenience Center
1440 Mt Carmel Rd.
Decaturville, TN 38329
Bob’s Landing Convenience Center
715 Bob’s Landing Rd.
Bath Springs, TN 38329
Please note that no commercial vehicles, trucks over 3/4 tons (except for dually pick-up trucks), or dual axle trailers are allowed. Rental pick-up trucks are allowed, but not rental panel trucks. All open body vehicles transporting waste must be secured to prevent blown and spilled debris. No person may loiter or rummage about the facility or remove articles from any containers. Violators will be prosecuted. Children must remain in vehicles at all times.
Acceptable Materials at Convenience Centers:
Residential solid waste; white goods, appliances, and furniture; residential construction & demolition debris (no concrete & brick) and bulky materials including mattresses, box springs, lawn mowers, book cases, etc. that are less than 8 feet in length; and lead-acid batteries
Newspapers with inserts; magazines & catalogs, junk mail including colored paper & envelopes with cellophane windows; aluminum beverage cans; steel food cans; scrap metal; corrugated cardboard; used motor oil
Unacceptable Materials at Convenience Centers and Recommended Disposal Options:
• Bricks, Concrete & Stone
• Commercial, industrial, and institutional solid waste
• Burning or smoldering material – when material is not smoldering
• Household hazardous waste – such as pesticides/herbicides, chemicals and poisons
• Infectious waste/untreated, regulated medical waste – cannot, by law, be disposed in our Landfills. Needles and syringes are accepted for disposal as long as they are placed in sealed, puncture-proof containers.
• Radioactive waste – cannot, by law, be disposed in our Landfills. Consult the product’s manufacturer for proper disposal suggestions. Smoke detectors, which have a small amount of radioactive material, should be returned to the manufacturer for proper disposal. (Check inside the detector for company name and address.)
• Liquid waste – not accepted at any solid waste disposal facility.
• Drums – drums that have been punctured so as to contain no free liquid are accepted for disposal at the Convenience Centers, Landfill or Transfer Station. Burn barrels containing debris are not accepted.
• Tanks – refer to the manufacturer of fuel or gas tanks for proper disposal suggestions.
• Propane tanks
• Dead animals
Decatur County Clerk
Melinda Broadway
22 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 488
Decaturville, TN 38329
Phone: 731-852-3417
Fax: 731-852-3152
Monday through Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Saturday – 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Melinda Broadway, County Clerk
Natalie Higdon, Deputy Clerk
Kathy Gulledge, Deputy Clerk
Available Online Services:
License plate renewals, notary applications, and marriage applications are available at
The county clerk serves as the custodian of a wide variety of records which are required to be filed and maintained in the office of the county clerk. The maintenance of these records is one of the most important duties of the county clerk, as the county clerk’s office serves as one of the information centers for the county.
The clerk also keeps the official records of the county legislative body, sends required notices, and keeps a record of all appropriations and allowances made and all claims chargeable against the county.
The County Clerk’s additional responsibilities include:
Issuing motor vehicle titles and registrations through title application and license plate renewals.
Providing other motor vehicle transactions such as issuing handicap placards & plates and issuing dealer license plates.
Issuing marriage licenses
Processing county business tax applications and printing clearance business tax licenses.
Collecting hotel/motel occupancy privilege taxes
Overseeing the issuance of beer permits and collecting annual beer privilege tax
Processing notary public applications
Issuing game and fish licenses
Processing boat registrations and boat renewals
Maintaining records for the county legislative body including recording minutes, recording bonds for county officials, and certifying documents such as resolutions and private acts.
Maintaining financial records for the office including general ledger, trial balance, fees, bank account and check register
Circuit & General Sessions Court
Payments can be made by mail at: PO Box 488, Decaturville, TN 38329
Online at:
Any questions call 731-852-3125
Circuit Court Clerk
Kelly Harden
P.O. Box 488
22 West Main Street
Decaturville, TN 38329
Tammy Brasher, Deputy Clerk
Cindy Outlaw, Deputy Clerk
Monday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday – 8:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Friday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Circuit Court Judge, 24th Judicial District
Judge J. Brent Bradberry
Circuit Court Judge, 24th Judicial District
Judge Bruce I. Griffey
General Sessions Court Judge
Judge Paul Allen England
Decaturville, TN 38329
Juvenile Court
Becky White, Decatur County Youth Services Officer
PO Box 488
Decaturville, TN
Decatur County Chancery Court
Clerk & Master Elizabeth Carpenter
P.O. Box 488
Decaturville, TN 38329
Chancery Court Judge, 24th Judicial District
Chancellor Vicki H. Hoover
The easiest way for Tennessee voters to find their Election Day polling locations, view and mark sample ballots, see their elected officials, districts and county election commission information as well as access online election results is through the GoVoteTN app.
67 S. East Street, PO Box 298
Decaturville, TN 38329
Phone: 731-852-2911
Fax: 731-852-2059
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday — 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Administrator: Teresa Bedingfield
Deputy Administrator: Carla Butler
Election Commission:
Chairman, Grafton Dodd
Secretary, Lisa Brasher
Commissioner, Chelsey Sparks
Commissioner, Kurt Holbert
Commissioner, Robert Lynn Brasher
The Election Commission is responsible for conducting county elections, ensuring fair elections, promoting voter registration and the electoral process, certifying election results.
Download Absentee Request Form | Military/Overseas Absentee Request Information
- Am I eligible to vote absentee by-mail?
You can vote absentee by-mail if you fall under one of the following categories:
- You will be outside the county where you are registered during the early voting period and all day on Election Day.
- You or your spouse are a full-time student in an accredited college or university outside the county where you are registered.
- You are on the permanent absentee list (see question 4 below).
- You reside in a nursing home, assisted living facility or home for the aged outside your county of residence.
- You will be unable to vote in-person due to jury duty.
- You are sixty (60) years of age or older.
- You have a physical disability and an inaccessible polling place.
- You are hospitalized, ill or physically disabled and unable to appear at your polling place to vote; and/or you have determined it is impossible or unreasonable to vote in-person due to the COVID-19 situation.
- You are the caretaker of a person who is hospitalized, ill, or disabled, and/or you have determined it is impossible or unreasonable to vote in-person due to the COVID-19 situation.
- You are a candidate for office in the election.
- You serve as an Election Day official or as a member or employee of the election commission.
- You are observing a religious holiday that prevents you from voting in person during the early voting period and on Election Day.
- You or your spouse possess a valid commercial drivers license (CDL) or Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) card and you will be working outside the state or county of registration during the open hours of early voting and Election Day and have no specific out-of-county or out-of-state address to which mail may be sent or received during such time.
- You are a member of the military or are an overseas citizen. read more …
- How can I request an absentee by-mail ballot?
You must submit a written request containing the information below to your local county election commission office by the seventh day before Election Day. You can use the absentee ballot request form to make sure all required information is provided.
You can submit your written request for an absentee ballot by mail, fax, or e-mail. If e-mailing your request, be sure the attached document contains the information below and your scanned signature.
- Name of the registered voter
- Address of the voter’s residence
- Voter’s social security number
- Voter’s date of birth
- Address to mail the ballot
- The election in which the voter wishes to participate. If the election involves a primary, the political party in which the voter wishes to participate.
- Reason the voter wishes to vote absentee. If applicable, a copy of the CDL containing the CDL number or the TWIC card must be included in the voter’s request.
- Voter’s signature
A request that contains this information will be processed and a ballot will be mailed to the voter.
NOTICE: A person who is not an employee of an election commission commits a Class E felony if such person gives an application for an absentee ballot to any person or commits a Class A misdemeanor if such person gives an unsolicited request for application for absentee ballot to any person. T.C.A. § 2-6-202(c)(3) and (4).
- What if I do not provide all of the information required on the absentee by-mail ballot application?
The county election commission will return the application to you so you can make corrections and resubmit your application.
- Do I qualify for the permanent absentee list?
You will receive an application for ballot for each election if your licensed physician signs a statement stating that, in their judgment, you are medically unable to vote in person. The statement must be filed not less than seven (7) days before the election and signed under the penalty of perjury.
- When can I request my ballot?
You may request an absentee by-mail ballot no earlier than ninety (90) days before the election and no later than seven (7) days before the election. To be processed for the next election, the application must be received by the election commission no later than seven (7) days before the election.
The deadline for the August 6 election is Thursday, July 30.
Requests for the November presidential election cannot be received until August 5.
- What if I do not receive or ruin my ballot and can no longer use it?
You should notify your county election commission.
- What is the deadline to return my ballot so it can be counted?
You must mail your ballot in time for your county election commission to receive it no later than the close of polls on Election Day.
- Can I hand deliver my ballot to the election office?
No. You must return your ballot by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.).
- Is any additional information if I registered to vote by mail?
Unless you are on the permanent absentee voting register or enrolled in the Safe at Home program, you must appear in-person to vote in the first election after you have registered by mail. If you have already voted in-person since you registered, then no additional information will be required to vote by mail.
Polling Place Location to vote on Election Day – Polls open at 8:00 a.m. Close at 7:00 p.m:
1st District
Bath Springs Community Center
3625 Highway 114 West
Bath Springs, TN 38311
2nd District
Cornerstone Church
8520 Highway 114 West
Scotts Hill, TN 38374
3rd District
Decatur County Civic Center
190 Civic Lane
Parsons, TN 38363
4th District
Decaturville Pentecostal Church
770 Highway 100 East
Decaturville, TN 38329
5th District
Amazing Grace Ministries Church
49 Wheat Street
Parsons, TN 38363
6th District
Parsons Municipal Bldg.
535 Tennessee Avenue South
Parsons, TN 38363
7th District
Crossroads Baptist Church
2430 Tennessee Ave. N.
Parsons, TN 38363
8th District
Parsons Municipal Bldg.
535 Tennessee Avenue South
Parsons, TN 38363
9th District
Bear Creek Baptist Church
60 Bear Creek Road
Parsons, TN 38363
Early Voting is at the Election Office at 67 S. East Street, Decaturville, TN 38329.
Qualifications to Register to Vote:
– Citizen of the United States
– Eighteen (18) years old, or will be on or before the date of the next election
– Resident of the State of Tennessee
– Has not been convicted of a felony or declared mentally incompetent by a court of law
Learn more at
Andrew Sparks, Emergency Management Director
P.O. Box 488
Decaturville, TN 38329
(731) 852-2131
Emergency: Dial 911
Code Red Notification System Sign-up
Related Websites:
National Weather Service – Memphis, TN
911 Emergency Services
21 S. South Street, P.O. Box 628
Decaturville, TN 38329
Emergency: Dial 911
Non-emergency: 731-852-3911
Fax: 731-852-3914
Director: Sadie Stanfill
Decatur County 911 went on line October 19, 1995. Our 9 Board members are appointed by the County Mayor and County Commission, and serve without compensation.
Joe Keeton, President
Becky Stanfill, Vice President
Melvin Brasher, Secretary/Treasurer
Randy Gordon
Dale King
Nichole McClain
Andrew Sparks
Clint Brasher
Jeremy Jones
911 serves as a central dispatch for the Decatur County Sheriff’s Department, Decaturville Police Department, Parsons Police Department, Scotts Hill Police Department (in Decatur County), Decatur County EMS/First Responders, Rescue Squad, nine Fire Stations, Forestry, Wrecks – Tennessee Highway Patrol and wrecker service, Emergency Management, and after hours calls for water, gas, street, county highway department, and state highway department.
Our mission is to provide fast and accurate access to public safety for the citizens of Decatur County and those visiting or just passing through. To accomplish this, we strive to ensure everyone will always be able to access a highly-trained professional who can efficiently determine and dispatch the most appropriate response to their needs.
Operator qualifications:
Our 911 operators must be at minimum 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen, a high school graduate or have obtained a GED, and must not have any felony convictions.
In addition, all operators must go through a psychological evaluation, same as law enforcement officers, are drug tested, and have their fingerprints on file with the TBI and FBI.
CPR certified
EMD–Emergency Medical Dispatch 40 hours
Basic Communication 40 hours
NCIC–National Crime Information Center 40 hours
HazMat–Hazardous Materials 16 hours
8 weeks of working with a certified operator before being on shift.
To insure we can service real emergencies, please do not call 911 for Power Outages or Directory Assistance.
If you have an old or discarded cell phone, please remove the battery before giving them to children to play with. Although the service is disconnected, a cell phone can still connect to 911.
Decatur County Rescue Squad
690 East Main Street
P.O. Box 474
Parsons, TN 38363
To Report a Fire: Call 911
24-hour telephone: 731-852-3911
Formed in 1964. Operations and equipment are funded by donations.
The Rescue Squad responds with EMS on all wrecks with injuries. They perform land and water search and aid with traffic control:
Two fully equipped crash trucks, one located at the south end of the county.
Two Broncos
Two work boats
One pontoon boat
Squad members are paged through Decatur County 911 and all members are on call 24 hours a day. The Decatur County Rescue Squad is a member of the Tennessee Association of Rescue Squads.
Decatur County Health Department
155 North Pleasant Street, PO Box 178
Decaturville, TN 38329
Phone: 731-852-2461
Fax: 731-852-3794
Hours: Monday through Friday — 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Decatur County Health Department was first established in the late 1940’s and provided services from the basement of the courthouse. In 1952, the first health department building was constructed on the corner of White Pine and Pleasant Streets. In 1994, a new building was constructed at this site.
Services available:
Birth & Death records
Breast/Cervical Cancer Screening
Children’s Special Services
Communicable Disease screening/treatment
Family Planning
Foodborne Illness Investigations
Health Education
Restaurant/School/Daycare Inspections
Tobacco Use Prevention
Voter Registration
Pattie Kiddy, Director
Pansy Davis, M.D., Health Officer
Bradley Dodd, Environmental Health Specialist
Jessica Brown, RN, Nursing Supervisor
Angela Smith, RN
Holly Reddix, Nurse Assistant
Sarah Hamm, Office Supervisor
(Vacant), Health Educator
Christy Tobey, Office Assistant
Michelle Martin, Communicable Disease Rep.
Melissa Mosier, Nutrition Educator
Kelly Hayman, HUGS/CSS
The Decatur County Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance and construction of roads in Decatur County. The Highway Department is always working to improve the roads in our county. You can help by keeping them free of litter and trash. If you notice something that needs our attention please let us know.
Road Supervisor: Robert Montgomery
Managed by: Stacey Gurley
Main Office: Decatur County Civic Center
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 83
Parsons, TN 38363
The Civic Center
190 Civic Lane, P.O. Box 83, Parsons, TN 38363
Parks Director – Stacey Gurley
Phone: 731-847-6225
Located between Parsons and Decaturville, the Civic Center serves the people of Decatur County in a number of ways. An outside walking track winds around the playground area with up-to-date playground equipment. A pavilion with a number of picnic tables is located adjacent to the playground area.
During the winter, the Civic Center is open at scheduled times for walkers inside the building. Youth Pro Basketball for grades 3 through 6 is available November through January.
The Civic Center is available for rent for events such as birthday parties, family reunions, church groups, swimming parties, etc.
Swimming Pool – Pool Parties – June-August (Closed)
Reserve the pool for your next party! The swimming pool is open to the public during the summer months of June through August and is available to reserve from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. Your pool party includes a certified Lifeguard, Pavilion with tables and chairs, and clean restrooms.
Please contact the Parks Department office for schedule of available dates.
Other Available Facilities at The Civic Center
Public Pavilion
The Civic Center’s large Pavilion is available for rent for events by half day or full day.
Please contact the Parks Department office for schedule of available dates.
Conference Room
Many ball teams, clubs, non-profit organizations, and others make use of our public conference room. Meetings must be scheduled in advance and are offered on a first come first serve basis. Please contact the Parks Department office for a schedule of available dates.
Multi-Purpose Stage – with Dressing Rooms
The Multi-purpose stage at the Civic Center can be rented for beauty pageants, Christmas shows, plays, etc. Please contact the Parks Department office for schedule of available dates.
1925 Hwy 641 South
P.O. Box 83
Parsons, TN 38363
Phone: (731) 847-2404
Rental Info: (731) 847-6225
The Decatur County Convention Center is available for rent for any event requiring a large area, and with a seating capacity of approximately 748, it can easily accommodate everything from concerts to conventions. Chairs and tables are available, just let us know in advance how many you will require. There is also a large stage with a runway for holding everything from plays to pageants.
The site features a state-of-the-art, 20,000 square foot convention area with air conditioning and heat. Our bathrooms are ADA compliant. The kitchen is roomy and has both ovens and grills, an ice machine, industrial style sinks and plenty of storage space.
Parking space is plentiful as well, enough to accommodate some 1000+ vehicles, with more than adequate handicap parking.
Property Assessor: Walter Higdon
Walter Higdon
P O Box 488
22 W. Main Street
Decaturville, TN 38329
Monday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday – 8:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Friday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Vicki Brasher
Karen Flanigan
Samantha Nolan
Delaine Oswald
The Property Assessor’s duties include two basic functions: appraisal and assessment of taxable real and personal property in the county that is not appraised by the state. After the assessor has determined the appraised value of property in the county, the assessed value is calculated. The assessor also appraises and assesses taxable tangible personal property. Assessors are also required to maintain the property maps of the county.
*Register for fraud alerts HERE
Register of Deeds: Regina Tillman
Regina Tillman, Register of Deeds
P O Box 488
22 West Main Street
Decaturville, TN 38329
Monday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday – 8:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Friday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Chrissy Renfroe – Deputy Clerk
The Register of Deeds is elected to a four-year term of office in the August general election in the same year that the governor is elected. The primary function of the Register is to make and preserve a record of instruments required or allowed by law to be filed or recorded, including but not limited to deeds, powers of attorney, deeds of trust, mortgages, liens, contracts, plats, leases, judgments, wills, court orders, military discharges, records under the Uniform Commercial Code (primarily fixture filings), and other types of documents. The register’s office is in the county seat, and the records and papers must remain in the office at all times.
Decatur County Board of Education
59 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 369
Decaturville, TN 38329
731-852-2391, Fax: 731-852-2960
Mr. Chris Villaflor, Director
School Board Members:
District 1 – Kristen Smith
District 2 – J. Wayne Stanfill
District 3 – Alan Brasher
District 4 – Athalia Taylor
District 5 – Rhonda Mitchell
District 6 – Joseph Fisher
District 7 – Kent Whitwell
District 8 – Ginger Rainey
District 9 – Tom Haggard
The Decatur County Board of Education meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month with the exception of December. Public input begins at 6:00 p.m. with the board meeting beginning at 6:15 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room.
Decaturville Elementary School
Mrs. Melinda Thompson, Principal
820 South West Street
Decaturville, TN 38329
731-852-4616, Fax: 731-852- 2009
Parsons Elementary School
Mrs. Lisa Renfroe, Principal
182 W. 4th Street
Parsons, Tennessee 38363
731-847-7317, Fax: 731-847-6669
Decatur County Middle School
Ms. Brandi Smith, Principal
2740 Hwy. 641 South
Parsons, TN 38363
731-847-6510, Fax: 731-847- 6572
Riverside High School
Mr. Lex Suite, Principle
4250 Hwy. 641 South
Decaturville, TN 38329
731-852-3941, Fax: 731-852-3995
For more information, visit
Decatur County Senior Center
1738 Georgia Ave. S.
Parsons, TN
Rita Moore, Director
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
The Decatur County Senior Center’s goal is to help all seniors living in the area have a better quality of life by remaining active and resourceful citizens. The mission is to encourage a happier life through programs and activities which promote education, entertainment, independence, nutrition (including home delivered meals), recreation, health and fitness of persons 60 years of age and older throughout our community in an environment that is fun, safe, and courteous for all. These are things which impact the entire community.
The Decatur County Sheriff’s Office serves as the Chief Law Enforcement agency for Decatur County. We serve all of Decatur County in the area of Law Enforcement, warrant service, civil process, subpoena and summons service, as well as the protection of life and property of the citizens of Decatur County.
The jail is staffed with the Jail Administrator, five (5) full time deputies, and one (1) part-time jailer.
The Sheriff’s Office is staffed and operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Sheriff’s Office Staff:
Sheriff – Dale King
Jail Administrator – Donald Gregory
38 North East Street
P.O. Box 427
Decaturville, TN 38329
Phone: 731-852-3703
Fax: 731-852-2871
Trustee: Beth Hays
Online Payments can be made at
Beth Hays
P O Box 488
22 W. Main Street
Decaturville, TN 38329
Monday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday – 8:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Friday – 8:00am to 4:00pm
Kim Brooks – Deputy Clerk
Amy McFall – Deputy Clerk
The Decatur County Trustee acts as the county’s banker and tax collector. Elected to a four-year term, the Trustee maintains control of county funds, disburses sales tax revenues, and generally acts as Treasurer for the county, receiving and disbursing funds. The Trustee is required to keep detailed information on all transactions.
All fire departments are paged through Decatur County 911 and are on call 24 hours per day. The county has a total of 22 trucks and all members are volunteer. Each fire department is responsible for funds to purchase equipment and pay utilities and insurance.
Decatur County Fire Chief
Mr. David Whitaker
403 West Highland Street
Decaturville, TN 38329
Station # 1
Chief Robert Kelly
535 East Main St.
Parsons, TN 38363
Station # 2
Chief Melvin Brasher
3645 Hwy 114 West
Bath Springs, TN 38363
Station # 3
Chief Jeremy Inman
19 North East St.
Decaturville, TN 38363
Station # 4
Chief Brian Holland
256 Clyde Richardson Rd
Sugar Tree, TN 38380
Station # 5
Chief Eugene Tubbs
1721Holladay Rd
Parsons, TN 38363
Station # 6
Chief Melvin Brasher
40 Bobs Landing Rd
Bath Springs, TN 38363
Station # 9
Chief John “Sap” Collett
342 Jeannette-Holladay Rd
Parsons, TN 38363
Fire Ratings for Our County:
Decatur County: 6/X
The City of Parsons: 3
The City of Decaturville: 6