PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Decatur County Industrial Development Board (IDB) has scheduled a meeting for Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 5:00 PM at the Decatur County Chamber of Commerce Community Room at 443 Virginia Avenue South, Parsons, TN 38363.
The Decatur County Government does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or national origin. When necessary, The Decatur County Government will make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Any person with a disability should contact the Decatur County Mayor’s office before any meeting if additional help is needed.
Agenda 3.23.2023 – Special Called
The Decatur County Commission has developed the following guidelines to provide time for members of the general public to orally address the County Commission during its meetings.
- The agenda of every meeting of the Decatur County Commission shall contain an item for receipt of comments by the general public on matters relevant to the business of Decatur County services, programs, projects, and activities.
- The total time allotted on the agenda for public comments will be no longer than fifteen (15)
- Speakers shall be allotted a maximum of three (3) minutes for their presentation. Time will be monitored by the Clerk or a person designated by the Commission Chair.
- A person wishing to address the Commission at a meeting must sign-in no later than fifteen (15) minutes prior to the meeting. A sheet will be located outside the meeting room for the speaker to provide name, address, telephone number and the subject of the speaker’s remarks. Request for public comment may also be made by contacting the County Mayor’s Administrative Assistant prior to the meeting date.
- Once the Public Comments session has begun, the Chair will call each individual speaker forward one at a Once each is called forward, the speaker(s) will introduce themselves and their topic. When the speaker(s) have completed their statement, or time has expired, they will return to their seat with no further debate, dialogue, or comment.
- Should a group be present to support a particular issue, they must select one speaker to represent the
- Should a speaker have documents or written comments for the Commissioners to review, they will provide nineteen copies to be distributed prior to the meeting.
- No signs, banners, flags, placards, or other disruptive displays will be allowed inside the meeting room. Anyone wishing to bring signs, banners, flags, or placards should contact the County Mayor’s Administrative Assistant no later than one (1) day before the meeting, and the County will provide them with a location near the meeting room to demonstrate with their signs, banners, flags, or
- The purpose of the Public Comment is to allow members of the community an opportunity to express their views. Comments should be directed to the Commission Chair. The Commission will not respond to questions or comments during the Public Comments session. If the public comment is concerning an agenda item and a Commissioner wishes to comment, they may do so when the item comes up on the agenda.
- The Chair may, on his or her own motion or the motion of any Commissioner, rule any public speaker out of order.
- During the meeting, no one may address the Commission unless requested to speak on an agenda item by the Commission and recognized by the Chair.
Approved 11/25/2024